I’m a PhD student in Frank Hutter’s Machine Learning Lab where I focus on meta-learning for efficient knowledge transfer and other automated machine learning-related topics. Previously, I joined the Stanford AI lab for my master’s thesis to work in Jeannette Bohg’s IPRL group on graph neural networks and robotic manipulation. As a student research assistant, I also worked at Tamim Asfour’s H2T lab with focus on cognitive robotics and robot perception. I hold a M. Sc. from KIT in CS/Machine Learning and am alumnus of the German National Academic Scholarship Foundation.
Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn for research-related updates or Instagram for a mix of travel and research-related content.
For an up-to-date publication record, please check out my Google Scholar profile.
cde, Python package (with over 3k downloads per month) for conditional density estimation with neural network-based, non/semi-parametric and normalizing flow estimators, various data generating processes (AR(1), ARMA jump diffusion, GMM etc.) and evaluation metrics (KL and JS divergence, hellinger distance, etc.)
videofeatures, Python package (pip install videofeatures) for video/image feature extraction (ResNet, VGG, SIFT, SURF) that, based on the selected feature type, trains a fisher vector GMM and computes (improved) fisher vectors
video2tfrecord, Python package (pip install video2tfrecord) that allows easy conversion of RGB video data to the TensorFlow tfrecords format
Planar Manipulatior Dataset, goal-oriented 2D toy dataset for deep neural network testing
Flying Shapes Dataset, goal-oriented 2D toy dataset for deep neural network testing
Paper implementation “Movement Primitives via Optimization” (Dragan et al., 2015)
Talk at Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems (09/19)
I gave a talk about my work at the Perceiving Systems department
Presentation on Graph Networks (01/19)
I gave an introduction to Graph Networks in a lab meeting at IPRL [slides]
Speaker at the Deep Learning Student Talk (11/16)
Invited speaker at the “Deep Learning Student Talk” at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, presentation and discussion about my Bachelor thesis on CNNs
Advising and Co-advising two Bachelor theses at SAP SE and Daimler AG (2019)
Visiting Lecturer for a Machine Learning introductory course at Baden-Wuerrtemberg Cooperative State University
from May 2018 until August 2018 along with a fellow student I will be lecturing a machine learning introductory class for business information systems degree students at Baden-Wuerrtemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW Karlsruhe). [lecture material]